The Shadow

Big Shadow leader of the Shadow organization dreamed of ruling the world. As part of his plan for world conquest he intended to have 10 million people murdered. Originally the victims were chosen by a super computer code named Black Satan, but later people were killed at random and more than one at a time.

Intially Big Shadow thought the ultimate weapon would be the Giant Devil robot, designed by the late Professor Gill, but after Kikaida and 01 destroyed the nearly finished model Big Shadow placed his hope for world conquest on "the child of the Devil" Zadam instead.

Shadow Knight Gill HakaidaZadam BijindaWaruda

Until episode 20, Big Shadow's "right-hand-man" was Shadow Knight. In episode 20 Big Shadow moved Gill Hakaida into that role. After the appearance of Zadam (episode 25), Hakaida found himself demoted from second in Shadow to third and Shadow Knight to fourth. Shadow Knight attempted to redeem himself by destroying Kikaida 01 in episode 27 but was himself destroyed. With the appearance of Bijinda in episode 30, Hakaida may have found himself in fourth place if she hadn't switched sides joining 01 in fighting against Shadow. Waruda (introduced in episode 37) usurped Hakaida's role as the one assigned to destroy 01. Eventually Big Shadow tired of Waruda's failing and assigned 5 other swordsman the task of destroying 01 (episode 45).

Just as the Dark Demolition Corps monsters all had a color in their names the Shadow Organization monsters are all numbered, the number is usually (though not always) printed on their back. They do NOT appear in numerical order.

The Shadow Monsters

Name     Episode(s)     Number(s)
Shadow Knight     8-27     (none)
Red Faced Tortoise     9-11     13
Gill Hakaida     11-46     (none)
Ghost Lady     11     7
Ghost Cat Robot     12     44
Shadow Rokuro     13     ??
Rock Owl     14     71
Reaper Robot     15     42
Shadow Mummy & Shadow Golem     16     ?? & 100
Mendicant Death's-Head     17     3
Giant Devil     17, 18     (none)
King Indian     19     98
Vampire Bat 1-3     21     16, 17, 18
Scorpion Strong     22     22
Shadow Devil Starfish 1 & 2     23     11 & 12
Mad Pig 1 & 2     24     104 & 105
Zadam     25-46     (none)
Long-Nosed Goblin Flying Squirrel     26     307
Hell Amphibian     26, 27     37
Mermaid Princess     28     55
Raijin + & Raijin -     29     ?? & ??
Pollution Catfish     30     ??
Bijinda     30, 31     (none)
Ink-Squid     32     ??
Big Gorilla, Mini-Gorilla & Big Gorilla 2     33     ??, ??, ??
Lunatic Bat     34     84
Kimono Poison Fang     35     ??
Shadow Ninja Corps     36     (none)
Waruda     37-45     (none)
Spaceman Robot 1 & 2     39     ?? & ??
Satan     41     ??
Shadow-Figure Robots     42     (none)
Aqualung Men     43     ??
Ronin Warriors     45     ??

Shadow Men
Most of The Shadow's robotic monsters were assisted by Shadow Men.

The ghost of Professor Gill appeared in episodes 14, 16 and 19. He did not seem to be pleased with Hakaida's being under the Big Shadow's control.

Bijinda is in episodes 30-46 but only works for Shadow in episodes 30 & 31, changing sides in episode 32.

Several of the Shadow robots costumes were recycled from Dark robot costumes from Jinzo Ningen Kikaida, one was recycled from an earlier episode of Kikaida 01:

Red Faced Tortoise (episodes 9-11) <-- Silver Tortoise (Kikaida episode 14)
Rock Owl (episode 14) <-- White Bone Flying Squirrel (Kikaida episodes 42 & 43)
Reaper Robot (episode 15) <-- Emerald Green Mammoth (Kikaida episodes 25 & 26)
Shadow Golem (episode 16) <-- Katydid Gray (Kikaida episode 40)
Mendicant Death's-Head (episode 17) <-- Yellow Ant Lion (Kikaida episode 23)
King Indian (episode 19) <-- Devil-Face Crab Red (Kikaida episode 33))
Vampire Bat (episode 21) <-- Blue Alligator Kikaida 01 episode 5)
Scorpion Strong (episode 22 <-- Black Porcupine (Kikaida episode 34))
Shadow Devil Starfish (episode 23) <-- Starfish Purple (Kikaida episodes 36-38) & Madder Red Squid (episode 30)
Mad Pig 1 (episode 24) <-- Gray Rhino King's head (Kikaida episodes 1 & 14) & Madder Red Squid
Mad Pig 2 (episode 24) <-- Gray Rhino King's body (Kikaida episodes 1 & 14)
Pollution Catfish (episode 30) <-- Blue Electric Eel (Kikaida episodes 31 & 32)

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